The House of Yoga

Nada Yoga: The Healing Power of Vibrations 24/3/2024


Workshops & Events

Nada Yoga: The Healing Power of Vibrations

Sunday, 24 March 2024

Nada Yoga: The Healing Power of Vibrations

Ancient Vedic philosophy already knew that everything, in the cosmos, is made of vibrations and energy. The primordial sound of creation ॐ ‘Om’ (AUM), represents the pure essence of the cosmos, beyond time, space, and form. Healing sounds have the amazing power of bringing to our bodies harmonic vibrational energy, literally ‘re-tuning’ us to health.

Join Maria to welcome the Spring Equinox, the time of the year when nature reawakens from hibernation and we are symbolically reborn.

Through the sounds of mantras and ancient instruments, we will lead our brain towards deep states of relaxation and slower activity, with powerful effects on many of our daily struggles. Just to mention a few: release from muscular, emotional, and mental tensions, sharpening of mind, increased neuroplasticity, improved concentration, creativity and learning ability, relief from anxiety.

Thanks to slower brain activity, we will be able to access an altered state of consciousness, our subconscious, fertile ground for sowing the seeds of change during this special time of the year.

This 2-hour workshop will include:

  • A brief introduction on Nada Yoga, the Yoga of Sound
  • Mantra chanting
  • 108 Om meditation
  • Sound bath with traditional Himalayan bowls and gongs

WHEN: Sunday, 24 March from 14:00 – 16:00
WHERE: The House of Yoga