Workshops & Events
Saturday, 15 October 2022
Yoga is often thought of as a practice only suitable for flexible and athletic girls. However, we firmly believe that yoga is for everyone, regardless of their age, gender, body type and background.
If you’re a guy who is curious about yoga, this is the workshop for you!
This workshop will be designed specifically for men – especially men who have limited mobility in their hips, hamstrings, and shoulders to learn mobilise and strengthen these areas with dynamic movement.
Through this event, we hope that we’ll be able to debunk some myths and stereotypes about yoga being only for girls and access the benefits that this practice can provide you with.
Led by our teacher Bruce Chung, this workshop will be addressed to every guy who at least once wanted to give yoga a try but was intimidated by having “only girls” around them in the class.
WHEN: Saturday, 15 October 2022
from 11:30 – 12:45
WHERE: The House of Yoga, Rue de la Paix 14
PRICE: €25
Book your spot through our booking app!